Medical Laboratory Science department is one the departments launched since 2014 E. C at Injibara University. The department has begun the learning teaching process by 15 students. Regarding human resources, the department started launching the program with three instructors and now the department have 21 total staffs. Among these, about ten are lecturer and above, seven are assistant lecturers, one is GA II and three are technical assistants. Besides, to the human resources, the department has well established with skill laboratory. It has two skill laboratory demonstration rooms, which consists of both dry and wet laboratories. The skill lab is well established with advanced hematology and clinical chemistry automations as well as modernized microscopes with the other accessories. In addition to these, the department has requested different reagents and chemicals, which aids for practical learning for purchasing. Department of Medical Laboratory Science have total 71 students with three consecutive batches. Generally, beside to the teaching process the department is performing different research and community service activities. One of the pillar task performed by the department with the collaboration of Injibara University via material support is the Microbiological culture that was established at Injibara General Primary Hospital since 2015 E.C.
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