We currently live in a society where information, data, and numerical reasoning play a crucial role in describing and understanding the daily activities of individuals. Statistics serves as a valuable tool, offering a set of principles and methodologies that enable informed decision-making and the investigation of data. The demand for skilled statisticians within governmental and non-governmental organizations is consistently increasing. To fill this gap, the Statistics/Data Science program was established in 2010 E.C/2017 G.C at Injibara University under the College of Natural and Computation Science. Initially consisting of three lecturers (Atalay Nigussie, Emebet Abich, and Gedif Mulat), the program received 40 undergraduate students. Currently, three batches of students were graduated with a BSc degree between 2010-2016 E.C and By 2016 E.C., the staff had conducted more than 12 research projects and 3 community service initiatives.
- To be one of the best departments among Amhara regional universities by 2027 E.C.
- To produce competitive statistics/data science graduates with knowledge, skills, attitude, and discipline.
- To solve community problems through innovative research and community services.
- To provide statistical consultancy and collaboration for the community.