Yaschalew Geremew Derso

Full Name Yaschalew Geremew Derso
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MA from Bahir Dar University (September 2019 to August 2020 EC)
  • BA in Psychology from Jimma University (September 2012 to June 2014)
Working Experience Lecturer at Injibara University (September 2021 to Present)
Research Interest
  • Early Childhood Curriculum development and implementation and evaluation
  • Child Development
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Creativity in Early Childhood Education
  • Early Childhood Special Education
  • Play, development and utilization of indigenous play materials
  • Indigenous Early Childhood Education
  • Parenting in Early Childhood
  • Pedagogy in ECCE
  • Child Right and Welfare
  • Risk and Resilience in Early Childhood
  • Child learning approach
  • Improved organization of ECCE centers

College of Education and Behavioral Science, Injibara University

Tel: +251-937-18-67-37

E-mail: yaschalewgeremew78@gmail.com